
Анонсы ближайших мероприятий

15.04.2023 17:00 МСК

Join our Legal education programmes webinar online for practiсing lawyers and students of different specialties

We are excited to announce our Legal education programmes at the University of London webinar taking place on Saturday April 15 at 17-00 (Moscow time) and would like to invite you to ask your questions to team of ECLS.


Opening of the Introduction to English Legal System group from April 22, 2023

The goal of the program is to give a systematic understanding of English law, to acquaint students with academic standards that are important both for further successful study at the programs of the University of London and for use in your professional activities.

The University of London is one of the leading global universities. Its high academic standards are internationally recognized. Founded in 1836, it includes 18 world-famous colleges and many research institutes. Among the alumni there are seven Nobel laureates, politicians, judges, writers, scholars, and chief executives.

The University of London Law Consortium is responsible for the laws programmes. It consists of six renowned colleges: UCL, Queen Mary, Birkbeck, Kings, LSE, and SOAS. The law schools or departments of these Сolleges actually design and develop the University of London Undergraduate Laws programme LLB that has a well-earned international reputation as the golden standard of legal education in common law countries.

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